


Sustainability, Sustainable Business, Green Business, Innovation, Social Responsibility


The concept of sustainability is expressed as the whole of participatory activities that will ensure the correct use of resources. The economic, social and cultural goals of the enterprises for the future coincide with their efforts to create value. Today, it is getting harder to increase both consumer satisfaction and profitability of businesses. With the reflection of the increase in costs on the prices and the increase in consumer expectations, businesses are seeking various solutions for the continuity of their activities. Considering the benefits of numerous stakeholders with institutional innovations, and measures that can be taken to maximize efficiency indicate the importance of the concept of sustainability. It is expected that environmental pollution, Covid-19 epidemic wars will result in climate, water and food crises in the future. All these negativities have led businesses to produce resources or turn to other alternatives in order to find sufficient resources. Therefore, the importance of the concept of sustainable business has been realized and it has become necessary for businesses to optimize the limited resources at hand, consider social responsibilities, and have environmental protection awareness.

          Sustainable businesses are expected to be environmentally friendly, use resources effectively, have a high level of awareness, be conscious of environmental, social and waste management, protect biodiversity, fulfill the principles of efficient agriculture be environmentally friendly and dominate digital applications. Applications such as the use of clean energy, orientation to renewable resources and waste management come to the fore. In this process, it is important to ensure cooperation and awareness. Businesses are looking for solutions for both environmental approaches and orientation to renewable resources.

          The study investigates sustainability practices in businesses and the obstacles to the adoption of these practices, discusses possible implementations and offers evaluations.


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