Fluid Horizons: The Symbolism of Water in Arthur Rimbaud’s ‘Memory’ And ‘Motion’


  • Özge KAYA MANAV Bayreuth University




Arthur Rimbaud, Symbolism of Water, Memory, Motion, Transculturality, Mythological Imagery, Modernist Poetry


This paper displays the themes of transculturality and migration in Arthur Rimbaud’s poems ‘’Memory’’ (‘’Mémoire’’) and ‘’Motion’’ (‘’Mouvement’’), emphasizing the rich imagery of water and its mythological connotations. Rimbaud’s use of water serves as a powerful symbol of the fluid and transformative nature of cultural and geographical movement. In ‘’Memory,’’ water symbolizes cultural amalgamation and the passage of time, invoking mythological references such as the river Styx to highlight the boundary between past and present, memory and oblivion. In ‘’Motion,’’ water is portrayed as a force of migration and perpetual change, resonating with mythological allusions to epic journeys and quests, akin to those of Odysseus or Aeneas. This analysis demonstrates how Rimbaud’s water imagery transcends mere naturalistic depiction, creating a complex tapestry of mythological and transcultural motifs that reflect the poet's deep engagement with identity, displacement, and the ceaseless flow of human experience. Through this lens, Rimbaud’s poetry emerges as a precursor to contemporary discussions on transculturality and migration, highlighting the enduring and universal nature of these themes.


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How to Cite

KAYA MANAV, Özge. (2025). Fluid Horizons: The Symbolism of Water in Arthur Rimbaud’s ‘Memory’ And ‘Motion’. EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 12(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14919863


