The Development Of The Cooperative Movement In Italy




Economics, Economic Policy, Cooperatives, Cooperative Movement


This paper inquires the theoretical underpinnings and historical trajectory of the cooperative movement, elucidating its fundamental principles, historical origins, and contemporary significance. Rooted in ideals of collective ownership and democratic governance, cooperatives prioritize the welfare of their members and communities over profit maximization. Pioneers such as Robert Owen played instrumental roles in advocating for cooperative principles as a means to foster social harmony amidst the socio-economic challenges of the Industrial Revolution. Italy, with its rich cooperative heritage, provides a compelling case study in the evolution of cooperative enterprise. From its nascent stages in the 15th century to its contemporary prominence across diverse sectors, Italy's cooperative movement reflects a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors. Despite encountering obstacles such as political upheaval and economic instability, Italian cooperatives have demonstrated resilience and perseverance. In recent years, Italy has witnessed a resurgence of cooperative activity, with a notable presence across regions and industries. Cooperatives continue to serve as catalysts for economic development and social inclusion, offering an alternative paradigm to traditional business models. By embodying principles of solidarity, inclusivity, and sustainability, cooperatives contribute to the realization of a more equitable and prosperous society. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the cooperative movement, shedding light on its enduring relevance and potential for positive societal impact.


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How to Cite

Hacısüleyman, D. (2024). The Development Of The Cooperative Movement In Italy. EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 11(38), 78–87.


