The Analysis of Mythic Elements Used in Robertson Davies' Fifth Business


  • Turkan Aliyeva Baku Engineering University


magic, mythic elements, Canadian conscience, psychological truth


Deptford trilogy is one of Robetson Davies’ works that made him an outstanding Canadian writer all over the world. This trilogy essentially is a tale of a quest for self-identity. The examination and deep analysis of Davies’ first novel including trilogy – “Fifth Business” provides the basis for this article. This article reviews “Fifth Business” in scope as Davies’ interests and points to his origin of motivation which research the nature of good and evil, truth and illusion, myth and magic and action and result. His serious career as journalist, playwright, critic, and professor made us think that he could never appreciate the mystery and magic. The article considers “Fifth Business” with an eye to two specific aspect of myth that influenced Davies. First perspective is Davies interest in describing myth/magic in the novel as a means by which the main character ascends to the position of divineness. Similarly, the second aspect – the influence of Karl Jung’s psychoanalytic approach can’t be denied.


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How to Cite

Aliyeva, T. (2020). The Analysis of Mythic Elements Used in Robertson Davies’ Fifth Business . EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 7(3), 56–63. Retrieved from


