Investigation of Interactive Book Reading Skills of Parents with Preschool Children
Preschool education, children books, Interactive book readingAbstract
This study aimed to examine the interactive reading skills of parents who have children attending pre-school education. Qualitative design was used in the research. 20 parents with children aged between 48 and 72 months attending the Sincan Baby Library in Sincan district of Ankara participated in the research. In the study, the "Semi-Structured Interview Form", which was created after scanning the relevant literature, was used to determine the opinions of mothers about the process of reading interactive books to their children. The created semi-structured interview form was applied to the parents who participated in the study voluntarily. In the semi-structured interview form, parents were asked how long they have been reading books to their children, what the effects of reading interactive books are on the child's development, how they choose the books they read to their children, what they pay attention to/take into consideration when reading books to their children, and whether they have re-read a book they have read to their children. The data collected as a result of the application was analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. As a result of the research, it was found that mothers introduced their children to books as soon as they were born, at the age of six months, before the age of one, at the age of one, at the age of three and at the age of five; Reading interactive books contributes to the child's receptive language development, expressive language development and cognitive development; While he stated that they give their children the opportunity to choose their own books while choosing books for their children, they also make their own choices when choosing books; When choosing books, they pay attention to the fact that children's books are illustrated, their content is appropriate to their age and development level, they are books that attract the child's attention, their subject, heroes, and the external structure and internal structure of the book; They stated that while reading a book, they pay attention to the intonation of voice and emotion, the layout of the physical environment, the absence of sound in the environment, and talking about pictures and text, and that they re-read a previously read book if the child requests it.
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