Bozkurt archetypal image in "Kitabi-Dada Gorgud"


  • Nərmin Sadeddinli Bakı Avrasiya Universitetinin Folklorşünaslıq ixtisası üzrə doktorantı



Dada Gorgud, Beyrak, contact with the wolf, totem, male wolf


The image of Bozkurt in Kitabi-Dada Gorgud is a complex problem. Thus, the image of a wolf is not actively encountered on the plot. In the second part of the saga, Salur Qazan says, "The wolf's face is blessed," and wants to enter into a dialogue with him and ask where his house is. But the wolf does not give him any information. We can recreate the worm in the ancestral paradigm in the saga. Salur Qazan says, "Azvay has the smell of a wolf's breast." Or in the name of “Baybura oglu Bamsi Beyrak” both the name of the father (Bey Börü) and the name of the son (Beyrak / Börük / Bğrü) are connected with the wolf. The main heroes of the saga are Bayindir khan, Salur Qazan, Uruz, Bamsi Beyrak, Basat and others. an example can be shown. Dada Gorgud, Bozgurt and others are mentioned in the saga. We also come across cultural heroes such as Over time, these cultural heroes became more and more creative and became called demiurges. The wisest old man of the epic, who named the heroes of the saga, is Dada Gorgud. The heroes were named after some courage. The kidney was known as the Gray Boy. The word gray was also used in the name of the horse. Bozkurt plays the role of a mediator in the epos "Kitabi-Dada Gorgud". A mediator is a mediator who connects the earth and the sky. When we look at the folklore of the Turkic peoples, we see that the place of the epos "Kitabi-Dada Gorgud" is different from other epics. This epic is one of the most masterpieces of the Turkic peoples. It is clear from this saga that the Turks characterized Bozkurt as a totem. Kazan khan's expression "Azvay has roots in a wolf's breast" can be an example of this. People chose the animal they respected as their ongon. And this animal was considered their ancestor, their savior. The image of a wolf in this saga combines these features. In the saga, the most familiar image of his life from birth to death is the image of the Kidney. Bozgurd speaks with Oguz Khagan in Uyghur Oghuz script. In the second stanza of Kitabi-Dada Gorgud, Salur asks the wolf about the location of Kazan's house. Here the wolf does not respond to him, but we see that the wolf communicates with humans.


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How to Cite

Sadeddinli, N. (2021). Bozkurt archetypal image in "Kitabi-Dada Gorgud". EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 8(19), 151–155.


