Comparison of Managers and Artificial Intelligence Modeling in the Process of Marketing, Planning, Decision-Making in Collective Production Modeling
Hybrid model, Development, Welfare, Agricultural business, CooparativeAbstract
In the process of formation of civilization, the domestication of animals and agricultural activities are considered as the starting point.. In the process of establishing cities, the barter economy and the establishment of Sundays led to the emergence of the first economic events. The close relations between family economy and family farming have Deciphered the concepts of artisan and craft. With the industrial revolution and the use of machines in production and in agricultural production, machines have gained superiority over human labor. An increase in products has occurred with the effective use of agricultural production machines in the world. The workforce working in the agricultural field has contributed to the metropolitan culture by settling in cities. In the process of transition from family farming and family business to global agricultural companies, multinational companies have played a decisive role in world agriculture. The fact that multinational companies have become cartels in the fields of medicine, agriculture, food has caused serious concerns to arise in underdeveloped and developing countries. In our study, we will investigate the possibilities of successful studies aimed at maintaining a hybrid model in which artificial intelligence applications are applied in decision-making and planning in agricultural enterprises, associations, cooperatives and agricultural companies in order to increase agricultural production in underdeveloped and developing countries in a way that is integrated into the agricultural policies of our country.
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