Rural Development in Indonesia: Ecological Crisis, Marginalization, and the Emerging Ecological Governance
rural development, ecological crisis, marginalization, ecological governanceAbstract
This paper aims to explain rural development that has an impact on the ecological crisis and marginalization of rural areas in Indonesia. In addition, this paper also describes the appearance of ecological governance that can help solve several problems in rural areas. The qualitative method is the method used in this research with an integrated literature review (ILR) approach. An integrative literature review is a form of research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes representative literature on a topic in an integrated way to generate new frameworks and perspectives on the topic under study. The findings of this research show that opening access to rural areas often encourages urban elite actors, government officials, and corporations to control and exploit existing resources in the rural area until it leads causing an ecological crisis. Furthermore, rural marginalization can be seen where local sovereignty in regulating the order of life is systematically eroded by national and global socio-economic-political regulatory mechanisms. Hence, as an alternative to improve the pattern of rural development that has occurred so far, the conception of ecological governance can be used to inhibit the existing development model by introducing a local study approach. The limitation of this research is that no field study was conducted. The results of this research are very useful for new rural development approaches with good ecological governance, and these concepts are also an alternative novelty in this research.
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