Kazakhs, Great Horde’s Kazakh, Jolbars Khan, Abilai Khan, JongarsAbstract
The word "Kazakh", meaning homeless and mercenaries, has been used as a people name since the XVth century. In today's Kazakh geography, the groups that left the Uzbek Khanate, which was tried to be established under the leadership of Abulkhair Khan, revealed the Kazakh people in a short time. Kazakhs established the Kazakh Khanate in 1465 with the unification of the Turkish tribes and the Mongolian groups that joined them. The issue of how and when the hordes was established remains an unexplained subject in Kazakh history. According to the political organization of the Kazakhs: Smallest Horde in Western Kazakhstan; there were Middle Horde in Central and East Kazakhstan and Great Horde in South and Southeast lands. Kazakh historical researchers mostly deal with the Smallest and Middle Hordes when they deal with the subject. It is not clear whether there was a khan other than Jolbars Khan (1720-1739) in the history up to the Russian occupation in Great Horde. They also had the oppression of their powerful eastern neighbors, the Jongars, and their dominance over the Horde. For these reasons, the Great Horde remained under the rule of its neighbors, except for the Smallest and Middle Hordes, which had close relations.
In the article, the history of the Great Horde, which is an important part of Kazakh history, until its exposure to the Russian occupation was discussed. This period covers the period from 1569 to 1845, which is the first mention of Kazakh Hordes in the sources. Great Horde until 1845, the period when it was independent; Jongar attacks and the Jongar domination established because of these attacks; Chinese domination; Middle Horde Khan Abilai Khan's influence and it became the domain of dominion to the Tashkent and Kokand khanates.
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