Food safety, food inspection, global marketing, entry strategiesAbstract
Currently various enterprises have begun to provide services to international markets regarding food safety and inspection. The present study aims to determine i) global market entry strategies the strategies of the firm, ii) the criteria that determine these strategies and iii) potential problems that might arise during and after entry to the market. The study uses an explorative method and qualitative research methods and a semi-structured interview technique. To this end, interviews have been conducted with three people serving in positions of Regional Sales Manager, Global Key Account Manager and Beyond Testing Sales Manager in a global firm serving 26 countries (including Turkey) in the field of food safety and inspection using judgment sampling method.
Findings of the study revealed that the firms serving in the field of food safety and inspection mainly adopted joint venture-like structures or acquisition among the ownership based entry mode or as a strategy to enter global markets. As for their preferences for strategies, the study found that the most prominent criteria for the firms included the activity level in country market, status of laboratories and personnel with technical capabilities, firm’s own capabilities, the status of the rivals, global political relations, political structure of the market and legal regulations. The problems encountered by the firms were found to be inadequate infrastructure and personnel resources, business practices, laws and regulations. On the other hand, considering the scope and the method of the study, we believe that the present study can be further extended to include similar firms serving in the related field in Turkey for a future study.
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