Prospects under the ‘New Dispensation’ in Zimbabwe



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Agrarian transformation, food sovereignty, neoliberal capitalism, Zimbabwe


There has been an abrupt change in land policy pronouncements, from pro-peasant to pro-capital, under the ‘new dispensation’ era under President Emmerson Mnangagwa in Zimbabwe. The results have received increased scholarly attention: tenure insecurity, weakening peasant livelihoods, gender inequalities, and increasing rural-urban migration. One of the issues less remarked upon, nevertheless, has been the implication of the country’s prospects for attaining food sovereignty. Using secondary data sources, and underpinned by the Food Sovereignty Framework, this article takes issue with the new government’s pro-capital stance. It argues that the switch to neoliberal capitalism undermines societal dialectic, relational, and interactive features that should combine to make food sovereignty – a condition in which Zimbabwe and its people have the complete and sovereign to produce, market, consume food, and control landscapes upon which food is produced - conceivable. Food sovereignty is key to the decolonisation process which is crucial for the well-being of indigenous families and communities and is therefore, only fundamentally imaginable when the country’s political, cultural, and socio-economic conditions support it. The article concludes that the regrouping neoliberal tendencies in Zimbabwe will shatter, not only the accumulation potential of the indigenous people but also compromises the country’s chance to be food sovereign.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Ndhlovu, E. (2024). Prospects under the ‘New Dispensation’ in Zimbabwe . EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 11(39), 31–47.


