Rules in Establishment of Tranquility and Peace in the Context of Verses 78-79 of Surah Al-Yusuf
The Holy Qur’an, Verses 78-79 of Surah Al-Yusuf, Legal Rules, Directors, JusticeAbstract
In Surah Al-Yusuf verse 79, Allah says; “Yusuf said: “Allah forbid, that we should take anyone but him with whom we found our property. Indeed (if we did so), we should be Zalimun (wrong-doers). ”. The verse refers to an event where Yusuf placed his water bowl to his full-brother’s haul. Afterwards some officers stopped the delegation and searching the hauls, Yusuf found this water bowl in Benjamin’s haul and wanted to detain his full-brother with whom the property was found. Ten the step-brothers asked for one of them to be detained rather than Benjamin and Prophet Yusuf uttered the words given in the above verse. One of the other points indicated by Surah Yusuf verses 78 and 79 is the necessity to observe the valid legal rules, before anyone else, in order to ensure that disputes between people are prevented and peace is restored. We believe that failure to observe rules will lead to people losing their general faith in law and this will consequently increase social corruption and disputes. Hence the verses in question emphasize that legal rules are assumed to be followed by everyone in a society, and the administrators need to observe the rules more than anyone else.
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