The Importance of Communication of the Art Manager and the Curator in Musuem
Sanat Yöneticisi, küratör, museum, museum marketing, artAbstract
Professionalism in art management has not yet emerged in Turkey, as it is in many countries other than developed countries. In many museums, the positions of curator and art manager are mixed, and in some museums, museum directors undertake the task of art manager. Some museum directors use their own name as curator in the exhibitions they open. Perhaps one of the reasons why art management is not perceived as a position and is not highly regarded and most of the authority positions in private and public art institutions in Turkey are given to other professionals is that this understanding has not yet been accepted. This study, which was carried out with the aim of accepting the arts manager as a profession, explores the criteria required to professionalize arts management in Turkey. Emphasizing the importance of communication between the art director and the curator in marketing a museum has been explored.In addition, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to question the process and progress towards the professionalization of arts management in Turkey. The findings show that while arts management can be considered a real profession, such as law, piloting and architecture, some comparable criteria should be used to reposition arts management and its professionals in professional standards.It draws attention to the fact that these criteria were conveyed to the authorities of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Turkey, that the definition of profession was changed based on the Nace code, and that various human resources companies were revising the job descriptions of those working in the private and public sectors in line with such job applications. The study recommends international and national internships of tangible group work for arts managers in academia and the field to establish, achieve, maintain and develop a professional status.
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