Examination of the Relationship Between University Students' Foreign Language Learning Difficulty and Anxiety
College preparatory students, learning foreign language, difficulty learning a foreign language, foreign language learning anxietyAbstract
Today, English as a foreign language is becoming an important language all over the world. In addition, English courses are taught to students as a preparatory class in different departments of universities. On the other hand, the state of anxiety caused by the difficulty of learning a foreign language causes students to approach learning English as a foreign language with prejudice. The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between foreign language learning difficulties and anxiety of preparatory class students. 233 preparatory class students from different departments of universities participated in the research. In the first part of the data collection tool used in the research, demographic information about the students was asked, in the second part, the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale and in the third part, the Foreign Language Learning Difficulties Scale was used. Using these scales, the relationship between the variables was examined by performing canonical correlation analysis. At the end of the research, it was found that foreign language preparatory class students had high level of foreign language classroom anxiety and had difficulty in learning a foreign language due to their learning habits.
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