Markaya Bağlılık, Marka Tanınırlığı, Olumlama, Pazarlamada davranışsal çalışmalarAbstract
One of the marketing issues that companies focus on most is to create and maintain the awareness of their brands and the loyalty of consumers to their brands. For this purpose, they have to carry out various studies on brand awareness and loyalty in the whole marketing process from the production idea to the after-sales service. On the other hand, the brand awareness of companies that have been operating for a long time can also occur spontaneously. Studies on the subject show that how long consumers have known a brand and how long they have used this brand also affect their loyalty to the brand. The concept of affirmation, which is a concept that has recently been used in behavioral studies, appears as a concept that can be used in the field of marketing as it creates a positive situation in terms of human psychology. The aim of this study is to determine whether the effect of brand recognition and usage periods on brand loyalty can be changed with the help of affirmation. The experimental group manipulated by affirmation and the control groups created for the neutral situation were analyzed separately and together, and it was observed that affirmation reduced the effect of brand recognition and usage times on brand loyalty. In other words, it has been determined that it is wrong for companies to rely on recognition and usability periods, which are the most effective weapons in creating brand loyalty, and this effect can be easily reduced through external factors such as affirmation.
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