Research on the Indonesian Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
small businesses, MSMEs, unemployment, poverty, macroeconomic, COVID-19, CMMsAbstract
This is a descriptive study that aims to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on the economy of Indonesia and, the business sector, and to explore the crisis mitigation measures (CMMs) by businesses, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It adopted an exploratory methodology by comprehensively reviewing the available literature, e.g. policy documents, research papers, and reports on the subject being studied. Based on official data from the government, reveals that the Indonesian economy is growing negatively, the number of unemployed and poverty is increasing, and a number of sectors, especially tourism, and transportation, are experiencing the worst, especially in 2021 when the pandemic crisis reaches its climax. However, it was also found that a number of sectors experienced rapid growth at that time, such as health, telemedicine and pharmacy, disinfectant and mask manufacturing industry, e-commerce business, logistics, and food delivery. It was also found that many businesses survived because they carried out CCMs.
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