Comparison of Legal Regulations Regarding Glamping Businesses in Greece and Turkey
Glamping tourism, Glamping businesses, Legal regulations, “Luxury Tent Facilities Qualifications Regulation”Abstract
Today, with the increasing interest in nature-based tourism types, the interest in glamping tourism, which offers luxury and comfort in a unique harmony in nature, has started to increase. Glamping is a type of accommodation that offers various activities and physical activities, consisting of different types and concepts, non-permanent structures such as luxury Indian tent, Otag, Safari tent, semi-permanent structures such as tree houses, glass houses, hobby houses, huts, barracks, bungalows, cabins, igloos, eco-capsules, and mobile homes such as luxury caravans, gypsy cars. There are few countries that have legal regulations around the world regarding glamping tourism, which is the new trend of recent years. Greece is one of the leading countries that made some regulations regarding glamping and enacted it. Within the scope of the research, it is aimed to determine the similarities and differences by comparing the legal regulation related to glamping by the Greek Ministry of Tourism and the "Regulation on Qualifications of Luxury Tent Facilities", which was put into effect by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Turkey. For this purpose, the legal regulation on glamping prepared and put into effect by the Greek Ministry of Tourism and the “Regulation on the Qualifications of Luxury Tent Facilities” were examined in depth and some suggestions were presented.
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