Meat-contribution, Azerbaijani language, Turkish languages, ancient, dictionary, animal namesAbstract
Lexical research plays an important role in the history of Turkology. Vocabulary for modern Turkish languagesis one of the valuable treasures. Thus, the historical and ethnocultural values of the Turkic peoples are in this valuable wealthpreserved. The composition of the dictionary includes the history of the people, living conditions, level of development, occupationreflects. The study of the lexical-semantic system of language has always been the focus of Azerbaijani scholarswas in the center. Dictionary of the work "Meat-gift-face-intelligence elephant-dictionary-dog turkey" and the Azerbaijani languageconsists of words of different nature and different semantics. Lexical structure of languageThe study of this topic in the study of both the history of language and the history of the people who speak that language, lifestyle, culture, ethnography, etc. is important in the study.MS Kumanli divided the 3600 (3000) words given in "At-tohfa" as follows: terms of kinship;colors, diseases, organs, animals, food, weapons, fruits, clothes, verbs, etc. weIn this article we will talk about the names of animals commonly used in "At-Tohfa" and in the Azerbaijani language.In the language of each nation, depending on the way of life, the geographical area in which they live, the names of animals and birdswords are reflected. The vocabulary of Turkish languages is rich in words denoting animal names. AncientLivestock has played an important role in the life of the Turkic peoples since ancient times.They were regularly engaged in the livestock sector of the farm, hunted wild animals,domesticated and put in the form of pets. The ancient Turks to distinguish petsThey gave different names, most of which are all-Turkic words. The same in "meat contribution" and in the Azerbaijani language (lion (meat-contribution) - lion, lion (Azerbaijan) "lion, lion", horse(Meat-contribution) - horse (Azerbaijan) “horse”, dog (meat-contribution) - dog (Azerbaijan) “dog”, falcon (meat-contribution) - falcon(Azerbaijan) “falcon”, bull (meat-contribution) - bull (Azerbaijan) “bull”, hedgehog (meat-contribution) - hedgehog (Azerbaijan)"Hedgehog", etc.) sometimes with small phonetic changes (bird (meat-contribution) - bird (Azerbaijan) "bird", fox (meat contribution) - fox (Azerbaijan) "fox", bull (meat-contribution) - bull (Azerbaijan) “bull”, sheep (Meat-contribution) -sheep (Azerbaijan) “sheep”, wolf (meat-contribution) - wolf (Azerbaijan) “wolf”, fish (meat-contribution) - fish(Azerbaijan) “fish”, crow (Meat-contribution) - crow (Azerbaijan) “crow”, etc.) used animalwe came across their names. Our research shows that the names of animals found in "At-Tohfa" are one way or anotherto this day, with minor phonetic and semantic changes in the Azerbaijani literary language and dialectsis used, which in turn is from the same root of the two languages involved in the comparisonstems from the formation of. In our opinion, this dictionary is a study of the history of the Azerbaijani languagecan be one of the most valuable resources in terms of.
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