EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES 2024-06-16T21:32:35+03:00 Editör Open Journal Systems <p><strong>EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES &amp; HUMANITIES</strong> is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of Social Sciences and Humanities.</p> <p><strong>EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES &amp; HUMANITIES</strong> is a peer reviewed international journal. It covers the fields of scientific knowledge and academic scholarship that study social groups and, more generally, human society.</p> <p><strong>Journal</strong>publishes in February, April, June, August, October, December in such languages as turkish, english, russian and etc.</p> <p> </p> A Linguistic Analysis of Social Network Communication 2024-05-18T08:20:51+03:00 Alua Kakharmanova Zhazira Issayeva <p>This article provides a definition of linguistic analysis in Kazakh for social network communication. The article defines the linguistic properties of social network language using materials of social network speech in Kazakh. The article’s purpose is to recognize and describe the linguistic characteristics of online communication in the context of Kazakh language interaction on various social media platforms. The specific paper was written using a combination of methods, including linguistic analysis of Kazakh writings from social networks and the analysis, comparison, and systematization of scientific literature. Moreover, the article also highlights the primary distinctions between written and spoken language, as well as discusses how oral and written communication differ from the freshly discovered “Internet language”.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 National Spiritual and Humanitarian Issues in the Works of Mukhtar Auezov 2024-05-18T08:32:19+03:00 Zhazira Issayeva Fariza Aitimbetova <p>Mukhtar Auezov is a creative personality with his own linguistic world, the owner of linguistic and cultural competence, with deep knowledge of the national language, history and spiritual culture. Therefore, by loving the language, he showed a wonderful example of love for the nation. The main core that determines the pragmatic level and goal of M. Auezov’s linguistic personality is to unite the nation and tell it what to do. Therefore, the national content of his work, revealing the nature of the writer’s linguistic personality, demonstrates his scientific abilities and linguistic skills, and the language of the Turkic language is a source of information, aphaic ethnolexical couplets, proverbs and clear meaning. And the main mechanism for achieving this great goal is the knowledge found in the work of M. Auezov, expressing the long-term needs of the culture of the people, and associated with it in the twentieth century is the world of its own language, which awakens national consciousness and deception, and the writer’s language is the main proof of this.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Focus Group Interviews as a Qualitative Data Collection Technique 2023-12-19T11:32:14+03:00 Murat Tuncer Fatih Kamçı <p>Today, developments in almost every field of life, especially in the field of technology, have led to changes in the needs of scientific research as well. The inadequacy and limitedness of quantitative research, especially in detecting problems encountered in daily life, has led many researchers to use qualitative research methods. Qualitative research has been preferred by many researchers because it creates new awareness in many areas and allows obtaining in depth results. The fact that it offers different fields to researchers also has led researchers to use qualitative research. One of the techniques frequently used in qualitative research, which offers researchers a wide range of data collection methods and techniques, is "Focus Group Interviews". The aim of this study is to explain what Focus Group Interviews method is, to discuss its historical process, to reveal its strengths and weaknesses, and to express recent changes and developments.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES Description of the Cognitive Language in the Works of Oralkhan Bokeev 2024-05-18T09:07:00+03:00 Zhazira Issayeva Aigerim Nygmetova <p>If you take a work from any country, it reflects the literature and culture of that country. Through this work, you will get acquainted with the way of life of the people of this country, expand and get acquainted with the culture. Currently, works of art are read only by specialists in this field.&nbsp; Analyzing the linguistic features of O. Bokeeyev's works, the ways of identifying the writer's linguistic personality in literary translation, analyzing the transfer of the writer's linguistic personality, language, and writer's style are considered. Also the writer Fr. In the process of teaching the language of Bokeev's works, an analysis of the language of the writer's works is carried out in order to develop cognitive competencies among schoolchildren. The research work is based on methods that make it possible to identify educational, educational value and instill in a student at school such qualities as simplicity, humanity and honesty through teaching a work.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 XVI əsr Azərbaycan ədəbi dil leksikonu 2024-04-26T04:18:42+03:00 Salman Suleymanov <p>The article focuses on the literary language of the 16th century Azerbaijan from the point of view of the Arabic lexical units used in our language at that time. It is shown that the frequency of use of Arabic lexical units in the literary language of the 16th century Azerbaijan has increased more than in the previous centuries. The reason for this is that classical book stylistics and genres are more established in our literature and these genres require more Arabic lexical units. At the same time, it is added that the use of Arabic lexical words in the literary language of the 16th century is also divided into different frequencies in terms of genres. So, these lexical units are reflected much in some genres, and relatively little in some genres. And the classical prose language is richer in these lexical units.</p> <p>While taking a general look at the literary language of the 16th century Azerbaijan and coming to a certain conclusion on the general features of this language, we see that the classic book stylistics plays a leading role in this language, certain genres are more active, and the Arabic-Persian lexicon, especially the Arabic lexical units, play a more important role in ensuring this activity. One of the most characteristic signs of the existence of the Arabic lexicon in the literary language of Azerbaijan in this century is that this lexicon is active in both secular and mystical literature, but it is more noticeable in one, and still more in the other, but in a slightly secular content compared to the first.</p> <p>In the article, while discussing the literary language of Azerbaijan in the 11th century, the classical stylistics of poetry and its mutual relations with our literary language are studied and interpreted, and it is shown that if stylistic issues are related to the peculiarities of the literary language, then, as we said, it is not about the genre - rhyme, weight, form, clause structure, etc. problems of the genres that formed the literary language styles of the Middle Ages, but, of course, it is primarily about the linguistic materials.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES Unsere historische Erinnerung – der Völkermord am 31. März 2024-06-16T21:32:35+03:00 Vafa Ahmadova <p>Between March 30 and April 3, 1918, Baku Soviet and Dashnak Armenian armed groups fought against Azerbaijanis in Baku and various regions of Baku governorate, as well as in Shamakhi, Guba, Khachmaz, Lankaran, Hajigabul, Salyan, Zangezur, Karabakh, Nakhchivan and other areas, they committed genocide. According to official sources, about 12,000 Azerbaijanis were killed and tens of thousands people became lost as a result of the genocide. During the March massacres, Armenians destroyed many ancient buildings, historical monuments, including sanctuaries, the Ismailiyya building, which is considered one of the pearls of world architecture, by firing cannons. The minarets of the Juma and Tzapir mosques were severely damaged as a result of the firing by the military fleet stationed in the Caspian Sea. The armed gangs burned the corpses of the people they brutally killed in the caravanserai. Due to its cruelty and scale, the March 1918 genocides are one of the bloodiest tragedies not only in the history of Azerbaijan, but also in the history of humanity.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES